3D Tech

Soil Layers

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  • 3D model depicting the layers of soil


  • The soil is the topmost layer of the earth’s crust mainly composed of organic minerals and rock particles that support life. A soil layer is a vertical cross-section of the soil, made of layers running parallel to the surface. The targeted people of this model are the teachers and students of Grade 5,6,7 or students who are interested in learning about the topic ‘Soil and its layers’. Utilizing this model can help students with visual disabilities have a better concept of the soil. Students can feel the model and identify how many types of soil are present in the soil layers.


  • 1. Start exploring the model from the top left corner. You can find the name of the model written in braille.
  • 2. On your right-hand side of grass like texture just below the name of the model, you can find the braille writing of the different layers of soil from top to bottom.
  • 3. Just below the name you can find the grass-like texture when you touch it which is known as surface. On your right-hand side, you can find the braille writing of the different layers of soil.
  • 4. Just below the grass-like texture you can find uneven things like feeling when you touch it which is known as “Topsoil”.
  • 5. Just below the uneven things like feeling you can find a rubber-like texture when you touch it which is known as “subsoil”.
  • 6. Just below the rubber-like texture, you can find a walnut cover when you touch it which is known as “Parent material”.
  • 7. Just below the walnut cover, you can find different stones when you touch it which is known as “bedrock”.

Project Wings to Dreams

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